Thursday 24 April 2014

7 steps to boost your happiness

Happiness is something we all desire. Creating a life that feels good on the inside is within everyone's reach. All it takes is one person to change your life - you!

Lets share some fantastic vibes with my favourite 7 steps to happiness:

1. Choose a career that reflects your natural talents.

We spend most of our lives working, so choosing a job aligned to our naturally talents doing doesn’t feel like work, more like a hobby we are getting paid for. Having a happy work environment creates amazing energy which everyone can thrive within. Discovering what your natural talents can be an exciting journey and well worth the effort.

2. Lighten up and have more fun.

All work and no play is plain boring, so add some laughter and smile more. Think of your funniest memory and hold that thought. Smile to everyone you meet. Make room for fun activities with fun people. Watch funny clips on you tube. Doing this will boost your levels of happiness big time. Positive energy is contagious, pass it on.

3. Tell yourself ‘I can and I will’

Having limitations dilutes our energy and wears us down. Instead, blast them to infinity and beyond by telling yourself ‘I can and I will’. Having inner strength raises self esteem and confidence, so consciously choose powerful words that unlock your willpower. Leading by example inspires others to do the same so be energy efficient.

4. Think of everything you are grateful for.

Being grateful for what we already have in our life opens the gates to self love. Instead of wishing our lives away, be present in the moment reflecting on the love within. Embracing the flow of gratitude delivers magical happenings into our life - a must experience. Start a daily routine that reflects on what you are presently grateful for, remembering all love begins with self love.

5. Take nothing personally.

Keep it real by remembering we all experience crappy days and can say things we didn’t mean. When we take nothing personally, our reaction is neutral leaving no room for arguments. It is worth while remembering if someone is being hard on themselves, they will be hard on you. Let it go and adopt the mantra ‘it is not my business what other people think of me’, after all you can’t please everyone all the time.

6. Listen to your intuition.

Intuition is the fast track way to create new opportunities. Trusting those gut feelings then making them happen, will open many a treasure chest. Connecting with our entrepreneurial energy, gives access to our deepest insight. Let intuition guide you, it won’t let you down.

7. Believe in yourself.
There is only one of you and there will never be another - you are perfect exactly as you are. Believe in yourself and all your infinite possibilities, always. You have the power to create whatever you desire, keep believing you can and you will. Think happy, believe in happy, be happy!

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