Thursday 17 April 2014

Never give up…

Have you ever found yourself caught up in an energy frenzy, feeling enough is enough and thinking it’s time to push the **** it button?! That feeling of exasperation, exhaustion and bewilderment can be a mega energy drainer, yet these moments teach us so much about ourselves.

The obvious answer might be to give up, but what if there is another option, one that hasn’t been discovered? What if it simply comes down to not being energy efficient?

Right place right time also known as synchronistic events, opens so many doors for us and happens when we take responsibility of our energy. When we become connected to all that is, doors open and energy flows, giving us the power to create our dreams. All it takes is acknowledging that **** it moment, then beginning a journey of letting go.

The letting go experience is different for everyone however, the common link is trust. Trusting everything will all be ok and that hidden treasures are soon to be uncovered, becomes the new mantra. Letting go of our limitations and restrictions directs our focus to trust more and worry less. When we consciously do this, we use our energy in a more fuel efficient way.

So how do we let go? Firstly have awareness of exactly what you need to let go of, then stop trying so hard to control the outcome. Trust the answer will present itself to you but in order for that to happen, quieten your mind. This can be done through meditation, breathing or chanting. Continuing to entertain a fearful manic mind does not create space for a solution to appear, quiet time is needed.

Being energy efficient opens up channels of strength from within, and when inner strength is combined with mind space, what an amazing energy unfolds. Doing this regularly heightens our awareness of ourselves and we become an invincible force. Laughing in the face of challenges becomes the norm and self esteem reaches an all time high. The key is to make quiet time part of your lifestyle and not just for emergency situations.

Going with the flow takes practice and a lot of trust, yet once the gates are opened and a strong relationship established, life’s synchronised events begin to happen. Living becomes effortless and opportunity flows towards us, all we need to do is open our hands to receive it.

Never give up on your dreams. Those who achieve their dreams, simply wouldn't take NO as an answer. 

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